Thank you for your interest in advertising in THE BEE!

"Grow Your Business through the Art of Storytelling"

...That was the title of a 45-minute live online seminar that Carpenter Media arranged for its clients and other businesspeople in Portland.  It was available free to all interested as our community began to emerge from the restrictions and business contraction of the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you missed it, THE BEE has arranged for you to watch the seminar as it occurred, via this YouTube video. There is no obligation.  But if we can be of help in executing a plan to grow your own business, please give us a call -- you'll find our contact information immediately below! 

Click on this link to enjoy, and profit from, this 45-minute seminar -- complements of THE BEE!


Eric Norberg, Editor and General Manager
1837 S.E. Harold Street
Portland, OR 97202-4932

Telephone:  503 / 232-2326
Fax:   503 / 232-9787
Text 503 / 757-0014

Sandy Hubbard
Independent BEE advertising representative

Text:  971 / 407-7942


Remit any bill payments to:
BEE Accounts Receivable, P.O. Box 45, West Linn, OR 97068


THE BEE distributes approximately 20,000 issues each month, published on the Friday nearest the first of each month -- except for the December issue (which comes out just before Thanksgiving) and the Christmas issue (which is technically the January issue, but comes out in the week before Christmas). 

Our parent company has established that an estimated 45,000 readers in Southeast Portland are reached by
We mail -- free to the recipient -- 12,500 issues to ZIP Code 97202, and 4,000 issues to ZIP code 97206 (the western portion of that ZIP code -- primarily Woodstock).  We thus distribute 16,500 copies monthly by mail, with another 3,500 copies placed on free newsstands within, and just outside of, our free mail distribution area.
  A gradually increasing number of copies are mailed to paid subscribers, as well.  $25 a year is all an annual U.S. subscription costs.

Our demographics are just about the same as the demographic composition of the neighborhoods we serve, which include:

      * Sellwood

     * Westmoreland

     * Brooklyn

     * Reed

     * Eastmoreland

     * Woodstock

As pointed out above, we have 3,500 copies on free street newsstands, as well as distribution through over 50 retail store locations, throughout the Inner Southeast area -- which includes locations in the adjacent Creston-Kenilworth, Ardenwald, and Brentwood-Darlington neighborhoods.  Our monthly deadlines are posted at the bottom of this webpage. 

If ad design is required, we don't charge to design your ad for you! (And you own the resulting ad art, and can use it in other ways, as you wish.)

THE BEE is presented in a standard newspaper "broadsheet" format, with the print space six columns wide (10.875" wide) and 21.25 inches from top to bottom. 

The basic building block of newspaper advertising is the "column inch".  That consists of space one column wide (1.70") and one inch high. 

To determine the cost of an ad you are thinking of, using the rate grid below, multiply the number of columns wide for your ad size by the number of inches it is high

(For example: Two columns wide and four inches tall -- a popular size; 3.50 inches wide and 4 inches tall -- would be what we in the newspaper business call a "2 x 4".  That is, two columns wide, and four inches tall.  SO -- Multiplying 2 x 4 = 8, shows it is eight column inches in size.)  Multiply the resulting number (in that example, the resulting number is 8) by the applicable rate for that size and frequency of ad, to determine the cost of one ad.  (To complete the example, buying one ad of this size on the 6-time plan would be $21.50 x 8 = $172.00.)

Here are the widths in inches for ads which correspond to the indicated number of columns wide:

1 column      --      1.70" wide
2 columns     --      3.50" wide
3 columns     --    5.375" wide
4 columns     --      7.20" wide
5 columns     --      9.00" wide
6 columns     --  10.875" wide 

A typical "quarter page" is 3 columns across and 10.5 inches high (a "3x10.5"), or 31.5 column inches; a typical "half page" is a "6x10.5", or 63 column inches; a "full page" is a "6x21.25", or 129 column inches. 

THE BEE can accommodate any ad from one to six columns across, and from one inch high to twenty-one and a quarter inches high.  Pricing is rounded up to the nearest full column inch.

Please notice that, in the rate grid below, as the ad size gets bigger there is a discount that also increases as the ad size increases -- and, the more ads there are on the plan you choose, the bigger the discount given on each individual ad on that plan, as well -- as the pricing grid below shows.

BEE rate card for advertising
(BEE ad rates shown were made effective on December 1, 2019.)

Please bear in mind that ad prices arrived at, using the above grid, represent the PER-AD cost -- and NOT the total cost for an entire multi-month schedule of ads!!  (But the price of INDIVIDUAL ads does goes down -- when you choose a plan that includes more ads. That's "Volume discounts!!")

Ask about additional discounts available for ads which are to run in others of the Community Newspapers / Carpenter Media Group in the Portland area -- which include the adjacent Southwest Community Connection, The Lake Oswego Review, The West Linn Tidings, The Clackamas Review, the citywide Portland Tribune, and others.

A new option for advertisers in THE BEE is to pay a flat $8 extra, for your BEE print display ad, to secure a "full-month digital boost" on our newer Pamplin Media website -- When you order your display ad, be sure to ask to include this very inexpensive $8 a month "digital boost" in your order!

[Excluded from this offer are ads in "themed group ads" -- that
injcludes ads in the Antique Row Map,
and business card ads in "Here's My Card".]

We accept Mastercard, Discover, Visa, and other major credit cards for ad payment
-- or, if you prefer direct monthly billing, we will bill you monthly upon satisfactory completion of our Credit Form.  Download the two-page Credit Form HERE as a "form fillable" PDF document -- print it and fill it out, and e-mail it back to us, or mail or fax it back to us, according to the directions on the bottom of page two of the form. (For credit approval, both pages must be filled out, and three business references are required, none of which can be public utilities.)

If you have questions, or would like to order -- call Eric Norberg at 503/232-2326, or call or text Sandy Hubbard at 971/407-7942, anytime.


You can buy an ad in any of our other 23 metro and Oregon newspapers in conjunction with an ad buy into THE BEE, and receive a substantial discount on the other papers.  That is an ongoing offer.

However, to supplement your BEE advertising with area-wide impact, there's our Portland Tribune -- the only newspaper in our group of 23 newspapers that has a larger circulation than THE BEE.  The Tribune serves the entire Portland metropolitan area, and is the perfect complement to your BEE advertising.  Plus, as a sister newspaper to THE BEE, repeating your BEE ad in one or more weekly issues of the Tribune is yours at a special "cross sell discount".  Ask for a quote!

The deadline for the weekly Tribune is 7 days before press; that means that the deadline for the ad to appear in the Tribune in one week would be the Wednesday seven days before the Wednesday of the week in which it is  to appear.  Order your ad through THE BEE by that deadline date to be assured of placement.

NOTE: In order to receive the special "cross-sell discount" in the Tribune, or any other of our newspapers, THE BEE must be your primary newspaper for advertising in the Pamplin Media Group (Community Newspapers Inc).  Cross-sell discounts in all others of our papers are based upon standard rates being in effect at the primary newspaper, with the other ads being adjunct to the primary ad buys.  Political advertising is specifically excluded from this offer.

For details, or to arrange to have your ad appear both in the Tribune (in the week or weeks of your choice) and in the monthly BEE, call Eric Norberg at THE BEE, at 503/232-2326, or text Sandy Hubbard at 971/407-7942.


In addition to standard display advertising, THE BEE offers a "Here's My Card" business card advertising display option.  Each ad is horizontal -- and the size of a standard business card, 3.25" wide and 2" high.  They are arranged three across, appearing exclusively on facing pages of the newspaper.

The pricing is exactly the same as our 2x2 display ads, but these business card ads perform a different function.  If a product or service needs to be "sold", a display ad should be used.  But if the product or service is one that the reader is likely to already know that he or she wants, and the problem is merely where to get it, readers consult the "Here's My Card" ads as they used to use the "Yellow Pages".  (For this reason, unlike any other advertising in the newspaper, there is a 12x minimum for Business Card ads -- to assure a minimum amount of exposure; if they use them like Yellow Pages,your ad needs to be there every time they look, just like Yellow Pages ads were.)

                            The cost of "Here's My Card" ads is:
              12x (a full year)  --  a low $76.00 per month

These ads are the size of business cards, but do not have to be an exact reproduction of your business card!  They can even be styled like small display ads!  If ad design is required, we do not charge clients for doing it, as we mentioned previously; and all ad design work is subject to your approval. (Color options, and "digital boost", are not available for "Here's My Card" ads.)


"Inserts" are single sheet, pre-printed, letter-size flyers -- placed in the fold of the newspaper.  The basic rate for inserts is $45 per thousand for single-sheet, letter-size inserts (that's by far the least expensive manner of direct-mail distribution of your flyer available). 

Insert orders must be prepaid, and the inserts are to be provided pre-printed in time for the desired issue's deadline date (see upcoming issue deadline dates on the bottom of this webpage).  The Post Office requires of us that any inserts in the newspaper be sent to the entire ZIP Code; we are not allowed to break out insert distribution by carrier route, under our class of postage. 

Larger or thicker inserts are possible; but larger ones must be prefolded to have a footprint no larger than a standard 8½ x 11 inch piece of paper -- and multi-page or heavy inserts must be submitted well in advance of the deadline for special pricing based on weight. (For example, an insert that weighs half an ounce would add $7.50 per thousand to the basic $45 rate.)  Multi-fold inserts, such as maps, must have at least one side on which there are no folds, to allow inserting machinery to take hold of them cleanly. (If you would like our parent company to print your flyers, inquire about cost.)

The rates to mail your insert in THE BEE, shown below, are based on an insert consisting of one page of 8½" by 11" (or smaller) on standard 20-pound-weight paper...

Mailing 12,500 inserts to 97202 would cost $562.50;
Mailing 4,000 inserts to 97206 would cost $180.00;
Mailing to the entire mailed run to both ZIP Codes (16,500 inserts) would cost $742.50;
...And any quantity, up to 3,500, can be placed in the newsstand copies, as well, also at $45 per thousand.

If these inserts are to be placed in all 20,000 copies, the total investment would be $900.00.


THE BEE offers "Community Classifieds", in cooperation with all of the Community Newspapers group in Portland and vicinity.  You can buy a classified just in THE BEE, or in any combination of the 24 newspapers, for discounts. 

Because of this, all classifieds are handled from a central office. 

Call  503/620-7355 during weekday business hours for information, or to order a classifed ad!


Ads should be booked, and all information or ad files for the advertising delivered, by the following dates for the indicated monthly issue:

NOVEMBER -- deadline October 17

(November's BEE is the first of three Christmas Season issues.)

DECEMBER (Thanksgiving issue) -- deadline November 14

JANUARY (pre-Xmas 2024) -- deadline December 5, 2024

FEBRUARY 2025 -- deadline January 16

MARCH 2025 -- deadline February 20

APRIL 2025 -- deadline March 20

MAY 2025 -- deadline April 17

Ad copy for us to compose the ad for you can be delivered by e-mail, fax, or US Mail.  Electronic ad files of logos or prepared ads can be delivered on CD-ROM or DVD, or thumb drive -- or (preferably, if under about 25 MB in size) can be e-mailed to:

For ad-timing considerations: The newspaper is printed on Thursday, 7 days after the deadline, and mailed on the following day.  It then goes to the free newsstands and in-store distribution after the initial mail distribution is fullly completed.

Questions?  Call Eric at 503 / 232-2326.  You can order advertising over the phone in most cases, particularly if it is to be paid for with a Visa, Discover, or Mastercard, or other major credit card.  If ordering ads over a period of months, you will be billed monthly only for THAT month's ad, as the ads appear; it is not necessary to pay for a full schedule in advance!  (Although a few advertisers choose to do so anyway, for their own convenience.)

SPECIAL ADVISORY:   As a matter of corporate policy at Pamplin Media, advertising is not accepted in any of our newspapers, including THE BEE, for businesses dealing in anything illegal at the federal level, even if it is considered permitted in the State of Oregon.  Therefore, for example, advertising is not accepted for any business selling marijuana, whether for medicinal or recreational purposes. Currently, marijuana advertising is held by the U.S. Post Office as sufficient reason to prohibit the mailing of any newspaper containing such advertising.

We offer DIGITAL advertising options, too -- a number of them !!
Pamplin Digital Agency